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January 23, 2013


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You are back, you are back!!! I am so glad to see your new post and design, so creative. I know you will come out on top with this new turn in your life. I always find so much strength from your emails and blog posts. Keep them up, I need strength!!:-)

Connie M

Welcome back, I check your blog every day so it was wonderful to see a new post!
You are so right, when one door closes, another door opens(and we didn't even know that we needed the fresh air).
Your a strong talented beautiful women who WILL make a new plan for your next journey in life!


I'm so glad you are back to blogging. I missed you! Will look forward to following your next chapter ~ may be your best yet!!

Mary Smallwood

The time on your hands is meant for introspection, new designs and a fresh beginning. It is Spring in the middle of winter for you! I look forward to your musings, recipes and photos Junella!


For some reason I just thought maybe I would check and see if you had come back to your blog and presto, there you are again!! Always creative, pondering, exploring the next curve in the road....and sharing those beautiful grandgirlz with us! Yea!

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