As the Mid-west has become blanketed with snow, we here in the Northeast are experiencing some beautiful weather. It has been in the high 50's, which means I have spent most of the weekend outside.
I was too busy to take many pictures, I'm sorry to say, but will happily tell you what we did.
We tackled the pile of wood by the house and got it all split. We use a small electric splitter, which is perfect for cutting the size wood that we need. I did have a small mouse jump out of one of the logs and start climbing up my pants. Luckily it was not a spider, so I wasn't terrified! In fact, I think mice are pretty cute, outside, not in the house!
Nick brought the scaffodling to the south of the house and proceeded to construct it, so that it will be ready for the contractor tomorrow. I was able to help him, but not as much as I would have liked. Limping around made me more like the turtle than the hare.
The lawn got mowed, even though it was still pretty wet. And I can say that my garden is about as "put to bed" for the winter as it will be. I took down all the tomato cages, bean poles and stakes. Pulled out the dead plants and piled them up for the compost. I found many grape tomatoes that were still edible buried beneath the straw. Four stray pumpkins appeared that I'll bring in in hopes that they will finish turning orange. And then I dug up these.
These are celeriac, also known as celery root. It is related to carrots, parsnips, anise and parsley. The tops (which I have cut off) do resemble celery. Pare the outter layer and chop, add to soup or stew as you would celery. This is the first year I have grown it, and will add to my list next year. The flavor is a bit richer than celery, and the dishes that I've used it in have been enhanced by its use. I guess by looking at these, it's no wonder that they call it the "the vegetable world's ugly duckling."
I know this may very well be the last of weekends like this one. And I'm so very happy that I was able to take advantage of the glorious weather. The sunsets have been gorgeous also. I caught last night's sunset a bit late, but the color was wonderful.