Here is yesterday's pick. There is so much more out there I have to
harvest. Beets, peppers, leeks, pumpkins, squash, radishes, swiss
chard...and more. There is only so much time in the day when I get
home from work. The daylight hours are starting to shorten, so it's
important I get out there every day to pick what is ready.
year's carrots are the best I've ever grown. My garden soil is heavy
with clay, even though I've been working at making the soil soft and
stone-free for 10 years. This year, I planted in long hilled rows, and
made sure there were no stones in it. Seems it paid off.
are a few people at work who also garden, so we trade our weed war
stories, and compare notes. Joan came in with the biggest tomato I've
ever seen. I can't remember the variety, but it was gigantic. I
planted Early Girls, which are always small, but very tasty and
prolific. We decided we needed a photo of our tomatoes together, and
something to put them in perspective. Hmmm, puts my lowly tomato to
shame. But I have to say, I like the variety I plant, because as the
name implies, they are early in coming. I usually have tomatoes before
most of my gardening friends.
Hope your garden, big or small, is doing as well as mine is!