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October 21, 2009


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I'll take 3 roll of the Christmas balls.


Terry, oh, but there are more Christmas designs than that one. You might want to browse through the patterns first!!!

connie m.

Love the designs June, I actually meant 12x12 scrapbook paper, if you can figure out how to do that there would be $ in it. Scrapbooking is a very profitable business, I could see you making alot of $, if only you could figure out how to break into the business. I will say alittle pray for you to network your self towards that.(if that's what you want that is)Hi to Terry!

connie m.

I meant prayer not pray.

connie m.

and yourself not your self, geez I hate it when I have a typeo(or mispell)
P.S. June I'm making the wheat free, refined sugar free, dairy free oatmeal cookies again, Bob loves them and we are sending some off to Noah too.Can't wait to try the pear crisp!
Sorry I miss talking to you this past wkend.Bob loved talking to you. Did you two get into a conversation about politics?

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