There is a new tea house that opened in Middlebury in the Marble Works.
Drinking tea in a tea house seems so ancient, yet civilized. Although I haven't stopped in to enjoy some, I have passed by here often and noticed that many other people seem to be enjoying their cups of tea.
The tea master, or would that be brew master, was very friendly and excited about his new endeavor.
This marble table sits outside the tea house. I have a marble Zen bench in the back yard and there are pieces of marble here at home that could probably be made into something like this. Hmm, another project for another day. I'm looking for someone to sit down here and have some lapsong suchong with me. Any takers?
I would love to join you for some tea. It would be fun and relaxing, we both need that.
Posted by: Terry Thoresen | July 22, 2009 at 11:41 AM